
Selasa, 25 Maret 2014


IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Dear father of junior high school principals 1 Tayu, dear father and mother all the teachers and friends in arms that we love. First of all, let us praise and gratitude to Allah SWT. grace and gifts, we can all gather in this place in good health. Furthermore, segue and greetings may still gushing adoration bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad. where he who has lifted us all of the way to the wrath of God the way that God approves. And may we include his people loyal to his teachings until the end of time. Ladies and Gentlemen and friends who I love In an era of globalization which is full of competition and challenges a person is required not only have higher education but also required skills that high. One is the ability to speak English, why is that? yes because English is the language most widely used around the world. English is the language that is taught in school school from elementary through college level and include the subject matter tested on the final exam and sma smp national level. With the ability to speak English of course, easier for those of you who wish to continue their studies abroad where English is a prerequisite that must be met if the country wants to learn or for those of you who want to work in a company would be added value for many companies that require applicants to have have the ability to speak English. Learning English is not difficult if we often practice practice, of course initially there should be an interest to learn. we must often practice with the often heard, read and write in English which will have an impact on increasing your ability in the English language. The key as many people often say "practice makes perfect". Do not be afraid to continue practicing one amend any mistakes you make, practice with your friends for a smooth conversation. Learning English will be easier if you are accompanied by someone who has mastered the English language well, find a friend who has already mastered or you can call your English teacher to accompany you to practice because he can immediately correct any mistakes you make. safe practice. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to deliver this speech, more or less we are sorry. Ihdinash shiraathal mustaqiem. Wassalamu A'laikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

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